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Răspunsuri status postat de USP KroN

  1. Salut Kron,Tin sa te anunt ca eu mi am pus numele Kron2X deoarece aveam numele akkaro inainte pe sv si erau multi care nu erau de acord ca is eu in communitate,aveam grad pe cand era el mai demult,si numele asta l-am mai avut si in 2019 pe contu meu de cs,deci stai lin ca nu ti am furat numele 😃

    1. USP KroN

      USP KroN

      Nu e problema :)) si eu il folosesc din 2012-2013 :))

  2. It may suck and have a lot of bugs, but the main idea of the game is awesome, and even if it's hard and buggy, i still love him. It's a way to learn how life works. You learn to lose, even if it's not fair, like in real life. You learn how people are and that you shouldn't trust everyone. And to have patience and a lot of stuff.


  3. It may suck and have a lot of bugs, but the main idea of the game is awesome, and even if it's hard and buggy, i still love him. It's a way to learn how life works. You learn to lose, even if it's not fair, like in real life. You learn how people are and that you shouldn't trust everyone. And to have patience and a lot of stuff.


  4. Coaie DR.USP.RO e NR  1 stiati deja nu ?

    1. USP KroN

      USP KroN

      Those arent dislikes, they are just likes from the upside down

    2. (Vezi 19 alte răspunsuri la această actualizare status)

  5. Coaie DR.USP.RO e NR  1 stiati deja nu ?

  6. Coaie DR.USP.RO e NR  1 stiati deja nu ?

  7. eu beau suc ca sa beau suc


  8. tu bei suc eu beau alcool. 

    eu beau alcool ca am 40 de ani tu bei suc ca ai 12 ani.

    sah mat te-am spart 

    1. USP KroN

      USP KroN

      pff eu fac supradoza de tedi  la pai 
      ce zici de asta


  9. eu beau suc ca sa beau suc


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