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    • Turneu 2v2 | 6 ani de USP
      Cu ocazia implinirii a 6 ani de la crearea comunitatii USP.RO, va invitam sa va inscrieti la Turneul de WINGMAN 2v2.
      Link turneu: https://link.usp.ro/turneu2v2 sau https://www.faceit.com/en/championship/1daeddb3-3bd2-49c9-8777-b25b8cb7de9f/6 ani de USP | 2v2
      Premii in valoare totala de 5.000 FP 
      Premiile se vor da in felul urmator:
      Locul 1:  3.000 
      Locul 2: 2.000 
      Inscrierile au loc pana pe data de 7 Mai ora 18:00.
      Turneul incepe pe 7 Mai la ora 18:05.
      Meciurile sunt BO1.
      Hartile se joaca in mod Wingman, iar acestea sunt: Inferno, Vertigo, Short Nuke, Short Dust, Cobblestone, Boyard, Chalice, Overpass, Train, Lake
      Mai multe detalii despre turneu, gasiti pe faceit in pagina turneului.
      Turneul si unele meciuri vor fi transmise LIVE pe https://youtube.com/USPEsports in functie de disponibilitate. 
      In cazul in care vor fi schimbari, acestea vor fi anuntate in aceasta postare, asadar va recomandam sa o frecventati regulat.
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    • Youtube USP
      Va prezentam canalul de Youtube al comunitatii USP. Pe acest canal veti gasi live-uri de la meciurile de CS:GO jucate de USP Esports, meciurile & competitiile organizate pe FACEIT (USP HUB 1V1, 2V2, 5V5, USP WARNIGHT 5V5), live-uri cu extragerile din giveawayurile organizate de USP si diferite videoclipuri din sfera Esports/CS:GO.
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    • Buy Fake and original documents to suite your requirements No bureaucracy involved as you can buy your driver’s license, passport, ID Card, Residence permit, Visa and get it in less than 5 days. No need to continue relying on Government agencies who take a lot of time and require you to meet a lot of bureaucratic requirements. We have specialists who corporate in all EU countries and the UK to provide real documents to our clients. Lately our influence have been expanded to countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. This influence took us 17 years to establish. Websites: https://friedmanndocuments.com/ Buy Driving License You can buy a driving license for any EU country from us and we shall deliver in just 3 to 5 days. Also, you can equally buy a real driving license for the following countries. 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You can equally buy a National ID for the following countries. USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. We produce fully feature ID-Cards for all our client who need one, Most of our client are often people who need some identity change or people who want to change their ages but we also render our services no matter the reason you require a National ID-Card for. Buy ID Cards : https://friedmanndocuments.com/fully-featured-national-identity-card/ Buy EU member ID Cards: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-biometric-identification-card/ Buy Russian internal passport: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-russian-id-cards/ Buy Belarusian ID Card: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-a-belarusian-id-card/ Buy Biometric Passport When you want to travel presenting yourself at the airport without a passport or a fake passport is a bad idea. You can buy a fully featured Biometric Passports for any EU country from us and we shall deliver in just 3 to 5 days. You can equally buy a Passports for the following countries. USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. WhatsApp: +44 745 506 5797  Email: [email protected] Buy biometric Passports: https://friedmanndocuments.com/ready-your-passport-for-travel/ Fully featured Australian biometric passport: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-australian-passport/ Fully featured UK biometric passport: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-uk-biometric-passports/ Buy Visa Online Before you travel to a country that doesn’t have Visa free travel with your residence country you will have to apply for a Visa which sometimes gets rejected. Now you don’t need to worry about that when you contact us we will provide you with a Visa at an affordable price. you can now buy Visa to travel to any EU member country. We also provide Schengen Visas for people traveling in the Schengen area. NB: A Schengen visa is not appropriate, if you wish to remain in a Schengen country for longer than 90 days, take up employment or establish a business, trade or profession. You can equally buy a Visas for the following countries. USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. WhatsApp: +44 745 506 5797  Email: [email protected] Buy Visas : https://friedmanndocuments.com/all-visas-available/ Buy Schengen Visa: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-schengen-visa/ Buy Residence Permit Online Staying in a country without all the legal documents becomes frustrating at times some people even get deported by immigration officials regardless of how long they have spent in the country. you can change your own fate by buying a Residence permit  in all EU states and also in USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. Buy Residence Permit: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-a-residence-permit/  
    • Cumpar permis de conducere original: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/ Totul despre categoriile de permis de conducere: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/categorii-permis/ Cumpărați un permis de conducere valabil de categoria B și BE fără examen de conducere: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumpar-permis-auto-categoria-b-si-be/ Cumpărați noul dumneavoastră buletin pentru a-l folosi pentru identificare: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumparati-o-carte-de-identitate-reala-sau-falsa-buletin/ Cumpărați pașaport biometric original: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumparati-pasaport-biometric-original/ Cumpărați un permis de ședere complet fără a fi nevoie de vreo cerință de document pentru cererea de permis de ședere: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumparati-permisul-de-sedere-original/  
    • Buy Fake and original documents to suite your requirements No bureaucracy involved as you can buy your driver’s license, passport, ID Card, Residence permit, Visa and get it in less than 5 days. No need to continue relying on Government agencies who take a lot of time and require you to meet a lot of bureaucratic requirements. We have specialists who corporate in all EU countries and the UK to provide real documents to our clients. Lately our influence have been expanded to countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. This influence took us 17 years to establish. Websites: https://friedmanndocuments.com/ Buy Driving License You can buy a driving license for any EU country from us and we shall deliver in just 3 to 5 days. Also, you can equally buy a real driving license for the following countries. USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey WhatsApp: +44 745 506 5797  Email: [email protected] Buy German driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-german-driving-license/ Buy Canadian driver’s license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-canadian-driving-license/ Buy American driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-american-driving-license/ Buy Australian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-australian-driving-license/ Buy UK driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-uk-drivers-license/ Buy Russian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-russian-driving-license-online/ Buy fully featured Slovakian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-slovakian-driving-license/ Buy Swiss driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/switzerland-drivers-license/ Buy Romanian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-romanian-driving-license/ Buy Hungarian driving license : https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-hungarian-driving-license/ Buy Danish driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-danish-driving-license/ Buy Bulgarian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-registered-bulgarian-driving-license/ Buy Moldova driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-moldova-diving-license/ Buy Portuguese driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/portuguese-driving-license/ Buy Serbian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-serbian-driving-license/ Buy French driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-french-drivers-license/ Buy Australian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-austrian-driving-license/ Buy Norwegian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-a-norwegian-drivers-license/ Buy Spanish driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-spanish-driving-license/ Buy Swedish driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-swedish-driving-license/ Buy Polish driving license https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-polish-driving-license/ Buy Belgian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-belgian-driving-license/ Buy Italian driving license: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-italian-driving-license/ WhatsApp: +44 745 506 5797  Email: [email protected] Buy Identity Cards You can buy a National ID-Card for any EU country from us and we shall deliver in just 3 to 5 days. You can equally buy a National ID for the following countries. USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. We produce fully feature ID-Cards for all our client who need one, Most of our client are often people who need some identity change or people who want to change their ages but we also render our services no matter the reason you require a National ID-Card for. Buy ID Cards : https://friedmanndocuments.com/fully-featured-national-identity-card/ Buy EU member ID Cards: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-biometric-identification-card/ Buy Russian internal passport: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-russian-id-cards/ Buy Belarusian ID Card: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-a-belarusian-id-card/ Buy Biometric Passport When you want to travel presenting yourself at the airport without a passport or a fake passport is a bad idea. You can buy a fully featured Biometric Passports for any EU country from us and we shall deliver in just 3 to 5 days. You can equally buy a Passports for the following countries. USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. WhatsApp: +44 745 506 5797  Email: [email protected] Buy biometric Passports: https://friedmanndocuments.com/ready-your-passport-for-travel/ Fully featured Australian biometric passport: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-australian-passport/ Fully featured UK biometric passport: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-uk-biometric-passports/ Buy Visa Online Before you travel to a country that doesn’t have Visa free travel with your residence country you will have to apply for a Visa which sometimes gets rejected. Now you don’t need to worry about that when you contact us we will provide you with a Visa at an affordable price. you can now buy Visa to travel to any EU member country. We also provide Schengen Visas for people traveling in the Schengen area. NB: A Schengen visa is not appropriate, if you wish to remain in a Schengen country for longer than 90 days, take up employment or establish a business, trade or profession. You can equally buy a Visas for the following countries. USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. WhatsApp: +44 745 506 5797  Email: [email protected] Buy Visas : https://friedmanndocuments.com/all-visas-available/ Buy Schengen Visa: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-schengen-visa/ Buy Residence Permit Online Staying in a country without all the legal documents becomes frustrating at times some people even get deported by immigration officials regardless of how long they have spent in the country. you can change your own fate by buying a Residence permit  in all EU states and also in USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey. Buy Residence Permit: https://friedmanndocuments.com/buy-a-residence-permit/  
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    • Cumpar permis de conducere original: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/ Totul despre categoriile de permis de conducere: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/categorii-permis/ Cumpărați un permis de conducere valabil de categoria B și BE fără examen de conducere: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumpar-permis-auto-categoria-b-si-be/ Cumpărați noul dumneavoastră buletin pentru a-l folosi pentru identificare: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumparati-o-carte-de-identitate-reala-sau-falsa-buletin/ Cumpărați pașaport biometric original: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumparati-pasaport-biometric-original/ Cumpărați un permis de ședere complet fără a fi nevoie de vreo cerință de document pentru cererea de permis de ședere: https://documentelelumiinoi.com/cumparati-permisul-de-sedere-original/  
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