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Cerere unban


Postări Recomandate

Nickname ( in-game ) :

✪GraSsu🏍 arrowDn9x5.gif

2. Your Steam profile:

3. Your SteamID (get it from here):

4. Admin's profile and his nickname: Night,

5. Reason for ban: Am injurat comunitatea pe discord*

6. Evidence: Ma amenintat Malcon cu ban in plm si am zis ca daca imi da ban ma pis pe el server 

7. Other details (optional): Cam prea dur ban permanent , macar un 7 zile acolo apoi permanent 

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Cam prea dur sa injuri server-ul, macar de il injurai doar pe malcon


Banul ramane

"Don’t think I don’t see you haters, I know y’all in disguise"

“The realest people don’t have a lot of friends.”

"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."

★ ——————————————————————————————————————— ★





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