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[Tutorial] Comenzi in cmd(command prompt)


Postări Recomandate

control = Control Panel
access.cpl = Accessibility Controls
hdwwiz.cpl = Add Hardware Wizard
appwiz.cpl = Add/Remove Programs
wuaucpl.cpl = Automatic Updates
timedate.cpl = Date and Time Properties
desk.cpl = Display Properties
joy.cpl = Game Controllers
inetcpl.cpl = Internet Properties
main.cpl = Mouse Properties
ncpa.cpl = Network Connections
netsetup.cpl = Network Setup Wizard
telephon.cpl = Phone and Modem Options
odbccp32.cpl = ODBC Data Source Administrator
password.cpl = Password Properties
access.cpl = Accessibility
powercfg.cpl = Power Configuration
firewall.cpl = Windows Firewall
sticpl.cpl = Scanners and Cameras
intl.cpl = Regional Settings
wscui.cpl = Security Center
mmsys.cpl = Sounds and Audio
sysdm.cpl = System Properties
nusrmgr.cpl = User Account Management
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
ntmsmgr.msc = Remote Desktop mstsc, Removable Storage
ntmsoprq.msc = Removable Storage Operator Requests
rsop.msc = Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof)
services.msc = Services
fsmgmt.msc = Shared Folders
wmimgmt.msc = Windows Management Infrastructure
secpol.msc = Local Security Settings
lusrmgr.msc = Local Users and Groups
gpedit.msc = Group Policy Editor (numai in XP Professional)
devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
dfrg.msc = Disk Defragment
diskmgmt.msc = Disk Management
ciadv.msc = Indexing Service
perfmon.msc = Performance Monitor
eventvwr.msc = Event Viewer
certmgr.msc = Certificate Manager
freecell = Freecell
pinball = Pinball
spider = Spider Solataire
mshearts = Hearts
winmine = Minesweeper
control admintools = Administrative Tools
control desktop = Display Properties
control color = Display Properties (afisare tab Appearance)
control folders = Folders Properties
control keyboard = Keyboard Properties
control netconnections = Network Connections
control printers = Printers and Faxes
control schedtasks = Scheduled Tasks
control mouse = Mouse Properties
control fonts = Fonts
control userpasswords2 = Password Control
excel = Microsoft Excel
powerpnt = Microsoft Powerpoint
winword = Microsoft Word
excel = Microsoft Excel
outlook = Microsoft Outlook
shutdown = Shuts Down Windows
logoff = Logoff the current user
accwiz = Accessibility Wizard
calc = Calculator
notepad = Notepad
wordpad = Wordpad
moviemk = Microsoft Movie Maker
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
charmap = Character Map
clipbrd = Clipboard Viewer:
cmd = Command Prompt
dcomcnfg = Component Services
ddeshare = DDE Shares
dxdiag = Direct X Troubleshooter
cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup Utility
diskpart = Disk Partition Manager
drwtsn32 = Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility
verifier = Driver Verifier Utility
migwiz = Files and Settings Transfer Tool
sigverif = File Signature Verification Tool
fonts = Fonts Folder
helpctr = Help and Support
hypertrm = HyperTerminal
iexpress = Iexpress Wizard
icwconn1 = Internet Connection Wizard
iexplore = Internet Explorer
inetwiz = Internet Setup Wizard
firefox = Firefox
winchat = Microsoft Chat
mobsync = Microsoft Syncronization Tool
conf = Netmeeting
packager = Object Packager
osk = On Screen Keyboard
msimn = Outlook Express
dialer = Phone Dialer
printers = Printers Folder
eudcedit = Private Character Editor
regedit = Registry Editor
regedt32 = Registry Editor
rasphone = Remote Access Phonebook
cliconfg = SQL Client Configuration
sysedit = System Configuration Editor
msconfig = System Configuration Utility
sfc /scannow = System File Checker Utility (Scaneaza immediat integritatea fisierelor)
msinfo32 = System Information
taskmgr = Task Manager
tcptest = TCP Tester
telnet = Telnet Client
utilman = Utility Manager
wab = Windows Address Book
wabmig = Windows Address Book Import Utility
ntbackup = Windows Backup Utility (if installed)
explorer = Windows Explorer
magnify = Windows Magnifier
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
wiaacmgr = Windows Picture Import Wizard
syskey = Windows System Security Tool
wupdmgr = Windows Update Launches
winver = Windows Version
tourstart = Windows XP Tour Wizard

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