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[Ben-To - Food, Martial Arts, Students]


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Anime title: Ben-To
Number of episodes: 12
Short description: April 6, 2011 - On this day, you satou (15 years old) was beaten the apple until he lost consciousness as he tried to get a half-price bento, a ready-made box sold at a supermarket. When he woke up on the floor, all bentoes were sold. He left the supermarket with a lot of pain and pain, but it comes back the day when, unfortunately for him, the same thing happens. Soon you find that in the Ben-To world, low-cost bentoes are sacred and very desirable and, in order to get one, they have to fight for him. These struggles take place between fighters known as the "Wolves", which bring down the exhausted and weak "Dogs" to the ground. In a world in which the weak are left hungry, and only the strong ones can triumph, You must train under the guidance of the silver-haired "Ice Witch", Sen Yarizui, to become a bent wolf .
Personal opinion: interesting
Note to this anime: 7/10
Status: Finished
AMV / Trailer: 


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