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  2. Preţ produs: 10 euro ambele sau 7 daca ramai cu ele in evict
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33b9Q_2e4-M

    Cerere Avatar

    vreau ceva foarte simplu sau chiar gen doar ca 150x250

    [Portofoliu] IN-N-OUT

    Ti am mutat portofoliul la designeri, welcome to our team on: Frumusele! KW!

    Cerere Manager

    Ne iei la misto? Ai avut moderator si ti-ai batut joc, nu ai fost deloc activ. Acum vrei Manager?

    Cerere Avatar

    • Tipul : Avatar • Dimensiunile : 150X250 • Textul principal : HATEAND • Textul secundar : fara text secundar • Stock/Render [obligatoriu] : Pentru ce vreau eu nu aveti nevoie • Link către ultima cerere : - • Alte precizări : ceva gen https://evict.ro/forum/uploads/monthly_2017_09/avtscrisrosu.png.a37362d2f3bf3ced822530bff74ec0ce.png https://i.imgur.com/f98Ry6M.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KNQNtFy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/TahvWcX.jpg
  8. Preţ produs: 10 euro ambele sau 7 daca ramai cu ele in evict
  9. *Nume pe forum: AND *Produsul scos la vânzare: 2 servere de go 32 slots *Descriere produs: hostate la xtremehost, 2 servere, cs go, 32 sloturi, default, nefolosite nefacurte noi noute *Modalitate de plată: paysafe / paypal *Preţ produs: 10 euro ambele sau 7 daca ramai cu ele in evict *Date de contact: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HATEAND*Dovadă produs (ss) : cine vrea dovezi pm
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZkSr7ivsCE
  11. Varsta minima este 15 ani ! Fara experienta ! Respins
  12. Done daca vrei modificari fa un topic aici https://evict.ro/forum/index.php?/forum/180-managers-zone/ tc
  13. Vezi fișier Admin clan tags for the scoreboard Description Hello! I've been searching on AlliedModders for a few weeks and looking for a admin tag plugin, found one but the scripting was not really working out. I decided to make one my self and this plugin works but it is still not the best. The tag will be equippied directly when you join the server. This tag system is for the scoreboard and not the CHAT. Tags [Owner] = Admin flag ROOT (z) [Head-Admin] = Admin flag CHEATS (n) [Admin] = Admin flag GENERIC (b) [VIP] = Admin flag CUSTOM1 (o) Installation: Move tags.smx to >> csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins Future !tags >> Opens a menu where you can do the following # Hide your tag # Select tag "Hide your tag" means you'll be able to remove your tag from the scoreboard. "Select tag" means that you'll be able to select a tag that you have permissions to use. Autor HATEAND Trimis 07.10.2017 Categorie Plugins

    Cerere semnatura

  15. Varsta minima este 15 ani !
  16. Nu sunt permise vânzările de invitaţii sau conturi pe trackere.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9ry7EtLVGw
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