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Cerere Helper


Postări Recomandate

1. ItsAnd1
2. Your Age: 15
3. SteamID: 76561199006900276v
4. Steam Profile Link:
5. Experience as an admin: I had admin on another server i see it as a job and try to keep server as clean and better as possible
6. Public Profile ( Yes/No): Yes
7. Did you read the rules?: Yes
8. Where from you heard about our server? (optional): I was just scrolling through the community servers and it looked as a fun server
9.Discord name including tag (example: SnK#0144): ItsAnd1#1193
10. Have you joined our discord server? (Obligatory) : Yes
11. Played Yours ( to find out write !ore on the server): 60 hours total

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