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Postări postat de Knight

    • Nume: Knight
    • Numele celui reclamat:  JahKO
    • Motivul reclamației: Banning
    • Topicul/postarea in cauza: no topic on Chat Box
    • Dovezi (dacă este cazul): Kenny would know about it
    • Informații suplimentare: He said on chat f*ck you mom Knight, f*ck you ! after a while i said ? he didn't respond and in 1 min i got banned then i managed to contact kenny and he unbanned me!
    • Your question / problem and some details about it » I need a plugin which have free vip event in which i set the time of free vip. Please tell me with instructions and with download link of sma and amxx etc files
    • Direct link / screenshot (if necessary) » not required
  1. Nume dorit: Nord.Ruls.Ro
    Număr de sloturi: 32
    IP & port:

    Mod de joc: Classic
    Contact deținător/deținători: PM
    Numele firmei unde este găzduit: Krond
    Link GameTracker: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

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