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Orice postat de sharminashultana

  1. Ese are some of the challenges that brands must overcome to maintain consistency at the graphic and idiomatic level so that it is truly global and adaptable. Brand adaptations for global markets is a process that is not as simple as we might think, even the most global and well-known brands go through a process where their brand values are put to the test, especially where their characters are not of the latin alphabet. To adapt these marks to arabic, chinese, russian, korean, to name a few, we need to reinterpret codes, lines, curves, colors and of course the typography, which is the most complicated part since it is the core part of reading and identifying a mark. In addition to their symbols in the case of having them. 


    The meanings of words can change from one language to another or even within the same language since in different countries or regions of the same country the meaning can be surprisingly different. These are some of the challenges that brands must overcome to maintain consistency at the graphic and idiomatic level so that it is truly global and adaptable. Mark zuckerberg talks about augmented reality glasses coca-cola is a Phone Number List great example of adaptability since even going through different languages, the brand manages to maintain its values (brand equity) maintaining in many cases even the curves that are so recognized with the exception of korean. 



    The brand successfully crosses the language barrier, can other brands do it? Carlsberg beer, for its part, also tries to maintain the lines that are characteristic of its brand, however it is more difficult for them in chinese and korean. On the other hand, nestlé ice cream handles its graphic treatment differently since it maintains the nestlé brand as far as possible, only differentiating the central part in some cases or depending on how it has its registrations in different countries. In mexico it was bambino, however the brand became only nestlé ice cream, on the other hand in italy the brand is known as motta, which would have a very different meaning if used in spanish.

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