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Postări postat de bdbappy7318

  1. Luz congosto tells us about the new analytics  focused on political elections , her field of work:the rt theory – from an analytics standpoint, rt is the closest thing to “likes” on facebook. It allows delimiting communities . Another measures based on the count of mentions: mentions are counted and compared with the results. The tujasman method is source of information comes from hashtags . They emphasize the content of the message and help its propagation. 


    Specific mentions via these together with the links , allow to extract more information for the analysis. All the data, " duly analyzed ", help to draw conclusions about the type of information that Special Marketing Database is shared, the relationships between users, or which media are the most cited. For this enormous work mining technologies are applied  The objective: advance in the prediction of electoral results. 


    Two prediction methods are currently being worked on :1- measures based on the count of mentions: mentions are counted and compared with the results. The tujasman method is followed in 2010. 2- measures or which media are the most cited based on political polarity: on the one hand, rt and hashtags are counted; on the other, the polarity in the monitoring of electoral candidates. These research trends cannot be generalized  The data is not very reliable yet.

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