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cerere unban stefanlv


Postări Recomandate

Name: stefan laurentiu

Age: 17 

Niick: stefanlv

Player profile [STEAM]:

Steam ID [STEAM_1:0:00000]:STEAM_0:1:170376724

Link ban Sourcebans:

Hours played on the server [gametracker link]:

Have you joined our steam group?: no

Have you joined our discord server?: yes + stefanlv#5672

Have you subscribed to our youtube channel? no
Have you read the rules?: nu

Describe the situation: am fost banat fara motiv si fara avertizare , nici macar nu eram pe server

Map + Time aprox.:nu stiu nici harta si nici ora


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1 hour ago, UnReal said:

Vad ca ai luat ban pe 12.09.2022 Azi suntem in 14, cam tarziu cu cererea dar avand in vedere ca nu ai fost pe server la momentul respectiv ( dupa spusel tale ) asteptam un raspuns de la Madalin .


Da, problema e ca a primit ban dupa ce a iesit de pe server si nu a stiut de ban. @Necaz asteptam dovada si explicatiile tale.


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