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[MODEL] Cerere Helper / Helper Request


Postări Recomandate

Model Cerere  Helper:

1. Numele tau in joc:
2. Varsta:
3. SteamID: ( intri pe orice server/workshop map, sau cu boti si scrii status in consola)
4. Link profil steam:
5. Experienta adminat:
6. Profil public(da/nu):
7. Ai citit regulamentul?:
8. De unde ai auzit de serverul nostru? (optional):

9. Nume discord impreuna cu tag (exemplu zLow#0144):

10. Ai intrat pe serverul de discord? (obligatoriu):

11. Ore jucate(!ore pe server):




- Varsta minima impusa, 14 ani.

- Este interzisa activarea pe alte servere comune forum-ului, cat si exterior.

- Cerere necesita un titlu si un model completat corect si adecvat.

- Sa nu aveti antecedente pe server (limbaj vulgar, etc).

- Minimul necesar pentru obtinerea acces-ului este de 20h, pentru a vizualiza orele, tastați pe server !ore.
- Completarea modelului se face in intregime, fara abateri de la campurile impuse, in mod contrar cererea va fi respinsa.

Model Helper Request: 
1. Your InGame Nickname
2. Your Age:
3. SteamID: (Join any server/workshop map, or with bots and write in the console ~status~)
4. Steam Profile Link:
5. Experience as an admin:
6. Public Profile ( Yes/No):
7. Did you read the rules?:
8. Where from you heard about our server? (optional):
9.Discord name including tag (example: SnK#0144):
10. Have you joined our discord server? (Obligatory) :
11. Played Yours ( to find out write !ore on the server):

- Minimal age is 14 years.
-You are not allowed to play on other community servers, including this community servers (usp)
-The request needs a title and an model correctly completed
-Do not have  antecedents on the server ( Badly Language, etc)
=The minimum of hours that you need  for this funcion is 25 hours+, to see your hours, type !ore while youre connected on the server
= You have to complet the whole model for application, withouth deviations of the imposed camps, otherwise, your request will be rejected.


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