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cerere unban Gabriel69 @on youtube


Postări Recomandate

1. Profil jucător: [https://usp.ro/servere/go/cauta.phphttps://usp.ro/servere/go/profil.php?id=STEAM_1:1:505782717

2. Link ban SourceBans: [https://usp.ro/servere/go/bans.phphttps://usp.ro/servere/go/profil.php?id=STEAM_1:1:505782717

3. Descrie situația: ma jucam linistit pe server si eram pe dust II si eram in site A si eram low (1hp) si am vrut sa il omor pe unu de pe short si nu am reusit sa il bat si am luat ban ( stiu ca am pus multe ''si'' )

4. Dovezi: nu am  , dar astept demoul de la adminul care m-a banat

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jet. Ai fost banat de fondator ....




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Banul a fost dat de angry, deja e a nu stiu cata cerere de unban, iar angry nu ti da ban asa pe ochi frumosi

@Angrry™ ai cuvantu final

 Κύριε, ἐλέησον!

Oh, on that wide open highway
The life that I'm livin' is a dead man's hand


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Mi se pare suspect faza de pe short, ala venea pe catwalk si era pe shift total, n a aruncat nicio grenada nimic, iar el isi ia spot si l asteapta...mai astept pareri. Mie unu mi se pare suspect

 Κύριε, ἐλέησον!

Oh, on that wide open highway
The life that I'm livin' is a dead man's hand


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Suspect 100%. Banul ramane.


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" Beneath this mask there is more than flash.

Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof. "

"“I was silent, but I was not blind.”



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