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The Wind


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  • GenulHoror


    Descriere/Info:  In an opening scene, Lizzy, covered in blood, holds Gideon and Emma's dead baby while Isaac and Gideon wait outside. Gideon takes the baby and begins to scream.

    Back home, Lizzy washes the blood from her body and Isaac storms into the cabin. He sets Lizzy's gun down and stands behind her.

    Gideon and Isaac bury Emma while Lizzy looks on. Gideon sets the baby's corpse into the casket with his mother.

    Isaac and Gideon leave on horseback as Gideon plans to sell his land and move back to Illinois. Lizzy tells Isaac that Emma had her gun. Isaac ignores this and encourages her to be ready for the winter and to "keep her wits about [her]." He plans to return in a couple of days.





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