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Orice postat de .RockY

  1. Chiar daca ai incurcat forumul asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa modifici topicul si sa "stergi" reply-ul. T/C
  2. Maturizeaza-te dracu, ca daca tu continui asa, chiar ca nu mai iesi din Helper, stai naibii in banca ta. Intr-o saptamana, cat o sa astepti sa faci urmatoarea cerere, vreau sa vad schimbari pozitive la tine, stiu ca poti, dar esti lenes, asa ca poti incepe chiar de azi sa incetezi cu prostiile pe care le faci cam in fiecare zi, si sa devii mai serios totusi, inteleg ca ai 13 ani si esti mic, dar daca tot ai intrat in STAFF, ia-ti angajamentul de Helper in serios. T/C
  3. Vreau mai multa activitate de la tine, pentru a lua up nu trebuiesc doar ore pe server, ci si mute-uri si gag-uri. Respins T/C
  4. Vreau fapte, nu vorbe. Respins T/C
  5. Bravo ca stai sa copiezi cererea trecuta. Modelul a fost modificat, asa ca, fa alta cerere peste 7 zile cu modelul curent. Respins T/C
  6. .RockY


    Nu a stiut ca v-am dat voie sa injurati, nu avea de unde sa stie. Nu primeste nimic. T/C
  7. .RockY

    [Cadou] Rocky

    Multumesc pentru cadou!
  8. Vote-ul ala a fost doar o intrebare daca vreti sa schimbe harta, care este problema ta? Pur si simplu votai "Nu" si asta basta, daca votul final iesea "Da" se schimba harta. Ce sari asa de cur in sus ca a dat un vote? O mica paranteza. Acum ce faci, esti post-hunter nu? Tu esti smecher ma. Nu primeste nimic. T/C
  9. Adminul nu are dovada. A primit warn. T/C
  10. .RockY

    [Cadou] Olister

    *Numele tău: RockY *Numele celui care îi dăruieşti cadoul: @Olister *Motivul pentru care i-ai oferit acest cadou: - *Imaginea cadou:
  11. xx Deocamdata atat mi-a ramas din ce am facut, o sa fac mai multe pe parcurs.
  12. 1. Vulgar language is punished with gag/mute on: 1st time 5-10 mins, 2nd time 10-20 mins, 3rd time 24h ban. 2. Vulgar language at STAFF is punished with 5-20 mins gag/mute, and 2nd time, 12/24h ban. 3. Use of the Caps-Lock exaggeratedly is punished as 1st rule. 4. It is forbidden to spam in chat (repeating the same text 2-3 times), it is punished as 1st rule. 5. You have 48h from when you have been banned to make an unban request, if not, your request will be rejected. 6. Advertising for other communities or servers is punished with a permanent ban. 7. It is forbidden to put another links, except for and , it is considered as advertising and it is punished as 6th rule. 8. It is forbidden to threat the STAFF with complaint, if you think someone made a mistake, you can make a complaint against them on forum. 9. Flood threats are punished with 1-7 days ban. 10. Any tentative of cheating or use of scripts as: BunnyHop, KillSay, FakeLag, FakeLatency etc. is punished with a permanent ban. 11. It is forbidden to grief/troll, is punished with 24h ban. 12. You can be banned even if you insult an admin in PM (Steam). 13. Bug abuse is punished with 1-7d ban for the 1st time, and permanent ban or deleting the account from database for the 2nd time. 14. Instigating to quarrel is punished with gag/mute 10-20mins, and and 12/24h ban if it continues. 15. Trash-Talking (ez, so ez, owned, sit etc.) is punished as 14th rule. 16. Disrespecting other players can be punished with permanent ban. 17. Programs as: Slam, Voice Changer or other scripts that are disturbing other players can be punished with a 1-7d ban 1st time, and 2nd time with a permanent ban. 18. Climbing on the map is punished with slay/kick/ban 2h. 19. Staying AFK at Spectate when the server is full is punished with kick. 20. It is forbidden to have another DNS in your name, except this server's DNS or other USP.RO server's DNS. It is punished with rename at 1st time, kick at 2nd time, 3rd time 1-30d ban. 21. It is forbidden to call another players at Competitive/Matchmaking or another mode/game, it is punished as 14th rule. 22. Bad jokes as "mi-l **CENZURAT**" etc. is punished as 14th rule. 1. Vulgar language to another players is punished with warn, then remove. 2. Ranks taken from donations need to respect the rules as other players, if not, is punished with remove / permanent ban. 3. Spamming infinite ammo is punished with warn, you are allowed to hold 5 sec on guns with 20-30 rounds, and 3 sec on guns with less than 20 rounds. 4. It is forbidden to spam any sank, you need to make a 5 sec pause between them. 1. Any violation of any rule from above and below is punished with warn / remove. 2. it is forbidden to use commands o another STAFF members, just if the situation is serious (using cheats, advertising etc.). If you think he made a mistake, make a complaint against them on forum. 3. In case you are donating for a rank, you are bound to make an account on forum to know about any information. 4. Abusing of: !CSAY, !HSAY, !MSAY, !SAY is punished with warn, these commands are used for announcements! 5. Offering your account to another person from OLD.USP.RO is forbidden, you can be removed. 6. You are bound to manage the reports in any situations, the admins that are not managing the reports/server can be REMOVED. 7. You have 24h to present the evidence at a complaint / unban request, if you can't present the evidence, announce in a reply. The Admins that are not presenting the evidences can be warned or removed. 8. The Admins that are inactive for more than 5 days without an absence request, are removed from STAFF. 9. You need an evidence for every gag/mute/ban/kick etc. 10. You are not allowed to "flex" with your rank. 11. Vulgar language on another player / STAFF member without his permission can be punished with remove. 12. It is forbidden to give info with X-Ray, it is considered as an abuse and can be punished as 14th rule. 13. Using the unban command without a clear evidence/without founder's permission is punished with remove + ban. 14. Abusing your rank is punished with remove + permanent ban. 15. Generic reasons (sal, pa, cf, bye, fuck you etc.) at gag/ban/kick, etc. is punished with warn. You don't have permission to apply a command without writing a reason. Attention If you play with cheats and get VAC, you are doing on your own, ranks can not be transferred. Cheating attempt as STAFF is punished with ban on IP + remove. As a STAFF member you are not allowed to get donations, you have to guide the donor to the Founder's profile.
  13. 1. Nickname ( in-game ) : 2. Complained's nickname : 3. Complained's Steam profile : 4. Reason : 5. Evidence : 6. Other details (optional) : For every complaint you have to: 1. Have an evidence (video/screenshot) 2. Respect the model 3. Fill all fields
  14. 1. Nickname ( in-game ) : 2. Your Steam profile : 3. Your SteamID (get it from here) : 4. Admin's profile and his nickname : 5. Ban reason : 6. Evidence : 7. Other details (optional) : To complete all fields easily, use our SourceBans where all bans from our server are stored. For all Unban Requests you have to complete all fields.
  15. Nu ma pricep foarte bine in Photoshop, asa ca nu este ce cine stie ce.
  16. Il am in vizor, si oricum, ai de respectat un model. T/C
  17. .RockY

    Teamspeak User

  18. Neseriozitate, aveai si helper, iar de atunci cand ai luat helper-ul, nici nu ai mai dat pe server. T/C
  19. Daca faci o pauza, fa cerere invoire, si ne anunti cand revii. T/C
  20. Poate va dau eu cap in cap ca nu cititi regulamentul.
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