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Postări postat de V1phor


    1. Profil jucător:

    2. Link detalii ban:

    3. Descrie situația: Eram cu Dope pe server si se credea tare ca e admin nu stiu ce pe acolo si eram caterinca cu mai multi pe acolo si asta se trezeste ca l-am injurat  o data recunosc , dar dupa omu zice vrei sa-ti arat ceva sau ceva de genu si ma baneaza , da l-am injurat , dar nu cred ca meritam ban permanent , maxim 24hr

    4. Dovezi: Nu am , deoarece nu am filmat



    1. Player profile:

    2. Ban details link:

    3. Describe the situation: I was with Dope on on server , and he think he is better than all beceause he is and admin , I was with some guys of server for fun , and I told him bad words , and he told if I want to see anything , and he ban me

    4. Proof: I don't have beceause I didn't record

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