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Orice postat de Angrry™

  1. Salutare si bine ai venit printre noi. Bucura-te de noua "casa". Have fun.
  2. Salutare si bun venit in comunitate. Sedere placuta.
  3. Buna ziua si sedere placuta in comunitate.
  4. Angrry™

    Prezentare MCHH

    Saltuare si bine ai venit printre noi.
  5. Angrry™

    Prezentare GbzrKl

    Super tare, bun venit in Evict Romania.
  6. Pentru o cerere de admin(istrator) pe un server de CS:GO in comunitatea Evict Romania, te rog sa intri pe sectiunea serverului unde doresti sa faci cererea si sa o faci acolo. Link Lista Servere CS:GO Evict Romania: Topic Inchis.
  7. Angrry™

    Prezentare Black

    Bun venit printre noi. Sedere placuta.
  8. Angrry™

    Prezentare Jok3r

    Servus. Bun venit, sper sa fie blana aici. Mersi ca ai venit :D.
  9. Angrry™

    Prezentare DreN1

    Bun venit printre noi :D!
  10. Servus, mi se pare ca ne cunoastem deja.
  11. Angrry™

    Prezentare k1du

    Si eu care intrebam de tine acum 1 saptamana si ceva. Servus neam indepartat :)) :D, bun venit.
  12. Angrry™

    Cerere helper - iLem0N

    Contra, cam vorbesti aiurea (injuraturi uneori) si faci spam. Nu ar fii frumos sa faci la fel si cand esti admin.
  13. Servus Omu`, sanatate si mai lasa tigarile alea ! (abia acuma am apucat sa dau pe forum).
  14. Angrry™

    Cerere admin

    Nume: CosminVârsta: 21Nick: AngrrySteamID: STEAM_0:1:57641905Profil steam: jucate pe server: o ora si ceva (™/ intrat în grupul de steam al serverului?: Cred ca da.Ai citit regulamentul?: nu (chestia e ca initial chiar voiam sa raspund cu nu :)) ca n-am avut chef sa ma uit )
  15. Campionate, site separat, premii. Jocuri gen nu foarte populare, dar care sunt smechere si sa putem face campionate/turnee, servere pentru campionate, radio.
  16. Security researchers have discovered several key management vulnerabilities in the core of Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) protocol that could allow an attacker to hack into your Wi-Fi network and eavesdrop on the Internet communications. WPA2 is a 13-year-old WiFi authentication scheme widely used to secure WiFi connections, but the standard has been compromised, impacting almost all Wi-Fi devices—including in our homes and businesses, along with the networking companies that build them. Dubbed KRACK—Key Reinstallation Attack—the proof-of-concept attack demonstrated by a team of researchers works against all modern protected Wi-Fi networks and can be abused to steal sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, chat messages, emails, and photos. Since the weaknesses reside in the Wi-Fi standard itself, and not in the implementations or any individual product, any correct implementation of WPA2 is likely affected. According to the researchers, the newly discovered attack works against: Both WPA1 and WPA2, Personal and enterprise networks, Ciphers WPA-TKIP, AES-CCMP, and GCMP In short, if your device supports WiFi, it is most likely affected. During their initial research, the researchers discovered that Android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys, and others, are all affected by the KRACK attacks. The researchers say their key reinstallation attack could be exceptionally devastating against Linux and Android 6.0 or higher, because "Android and Linux can be tricked into (re)installing an all-zero encryption key (see below for more info)." However, there's no need to panic, as you aren't vulnerable to just anyone on the internet because a successful exploitation of KRACK attack requires an attacker to be within physical proximity to the intended WiFi network. Source.
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